I wanted to add more information on direct mail marketing than I covered in the post on print mediums as a marketing vehicle. Yes, direct mail involved printed materials, so it remains a printed vehicle. The method of delivery differs from door hangers, windshield fliers, or even telephone book ads. So, here is my post on direct mail focusing on using professionals and smaller targeted audiences.
Designing Your Direct Mail Piece
Cactus Mailing suggests you
- Determine what you will mail: a postcard, a foldover, or brochure
- Make it look professional and eye-catching but will also get people to respond
- It does not matter how pretty or colorful a postcard is if it does not get responses
- Include the right elements: attention grabbing headline, clear offer, call to action, etc.
- Plain Jane's can win
- Photos must support copy and convey benefits
- Copy is king in direct response letters
- Every component must sell
- Good design in direct response is not achieved by whim
- Use action colors
- Every design feature must sell
- The more items in a direct mail package, often the more responsive it is
Selecting Your Mailing Audience
You may choose a variety of sources for your direct mailing audience. The best is your own list of past and current clients. You can purchase a list from a broker, but do not purchase more than you need.
Market Mapping Plus says “A good mailing list has a few important characteristics. The list is
- Kept fresh and updated on a regular basis
- Focuses on the market segments that you need to focus on
- Filled with the quantity of names and geographic coverage that you need
- Formatted to comply with the latest distinctions, and can suggest lists that will perform well for your purposes
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