Saturday, March 17, 2012

Enhance Your Operation 3: Use the Proper Equipment

This continues our series on improving your business operation
Using the proper equipment in your business enhances the productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of your product and your operation. Good office equipment improves your office support. The right manufacturing equipment will not only speed up your production line, but also improve its quality. Warehouse equipment moves your inventory safely and accurately. Yet, too many companies use the wrong or obsolete equipment.
The Importance of Using the Proper Equipment
Gallup Management Journal listed Giving Your Employees the Right Equipment as the 2nd element of Great Managing.
“When Gallup researchers analyzed hundreds of work dimensions in search of those most predictive of success, it was no surprise that materials and equipment showed up as fundamental. While many of the other 12 Elements, such as talking with employees about their progress, are primarily psychological in nature, the Second Element is both psychological and excruciatingly practical. Workgroups that don't have the right supplies can't produce. Universally, teams that produce have what they need to get the job done.”
They state in an article titled Why Employees Need the Right Equipment,
“When Gallup researchers went in search of the aspects of work life that are most important to performance, one that emerged earliest was measured by the statement "I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right."
Identifying the Proper Equipment
BDC Entrepreneurs provides some tips for making the right equipment purchase:
  • Assess and understand your business reality. Identify exactly what you want the equipment to do
  • Get an external point of view from a consultant if your business warrants it
  • Be innovative in acquiring equipment or technology
  • Look at your business as a whole rather than making isolated purchases
  • Shop around for suppliers that provide a wide range of specialized equipment
  • Keep training in mind and consider the time, money, and resources required to do it
  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of financing options: purchasing, leasing, or renting
  • Think safety first and include safety and protective equipment
  • Keep it green when purchasing equipment or technology
Come look at the post on Monday when we examine how to streamline your production line

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