Saturday, May 26, 2012

Human Resources 12: Avoiding Discrimination & Harassment Charges

discrimination in the workplaceThis concludes our series on human resource issues affecting your business. I wish to thank Dr. Lori Wadsworth for the content of this series.

Most business owners avoid discriminatory practices with employees or clients. Some remain unclear about which anti-discrimination regulations apply and when they do not. Regular changes require frequent updates.

Protected Groups Against Discrimination

Civil Rights Act applies to businesses with 15+ workers at least 20 weeks/year

  • No discrimination based on: race, color, religion, sex, and national origin
  • Relief if discriminated: legal costs, back pay, created by EEOC,

Griggs v Duke Power defined to two kinds of discrimination:

  • Disparate Treatment: direct discrimination, unequal treatment, prejudiced actions, different standards for different groups
  • Adverse Impact: indirect discrimination, unequal rules, decisions with racial/sexual consequences, same standards but different consequences for different groups

Gender discrimination of compensation was enhanced by the

  • Equal Pay Act prohibits discrimination for same skill, responsibility & working conditions
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
    • Prohibits discrimination of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions
    • Decisions about the welfare of future children left to parents not employers
    • Company’s responsible for OSHA standards & to warn employees of risks

Americans with disabilities act applies to employers with 15+ employees and:

  • Protects “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits employees in major life activities”
  • Requires companies to provide reasonable accommodations to help fulfill essential job functions

Other Rules and Regulations

Immigration and Control Act of 1986 covers employers with 4+ employees:

  • Prohibits discrimination based on national origin and citizenship
  • Unlawful to hire any unauthorized immigrant
  • Verify legal authorization to work with I-9 documents

Employers must prevent sexual harassment:

  • Quid Pro Quo: may not offer or refuse raises or promotions in exchange for sexual favors
  • Hostile work environment: frequency or severity of conduct, physically threatening or humiliating, interferes with work performance
  • Requirements: zero-tolerance, communicate to all employees, establish complaint procedure, act quickly to resolve problems, and provide training

Recent discrimination issues include:

  • English-only rules in the workplace
  • Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Genetic information nondiscrimination act (GINA)

Tuesday we’ll explore methods and vehicles for marketing your business more effectively

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