This continues our series about how John M. Bryson’s strategic change cycle can help your business
“In this step the organization develops a description of what it should look like once it has successfully implemented its strategies and achieved its full potential. This description is the organization’s vision of success.” (John M. Bryson, Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations p49)
Purpose of an Effective Organizational Vision
Bryson writes “Such descriptions may include the organization’s
- Mission
- Values and philosophies
- Basic strategies
- Performance criteria
- Important decision rules
- Ethical standards it expects of all employees” (p49)
In addition,
- “This description, to the extent it is widely circulated and discussed within the organization informs organizational members about what is expected of them without constant managerial oversight.
- Members are freed to act on their own initiative on the organization’s behalf to an extent not otherwise possible.
- The results should be a mobilization of members’ energy toward pursuing the organization’s purposes and a reduced need for direct supervision.” (ibid)
Process for Developing the Vision
Bryson provides guidelines to help you formulate a vision of success (p 234-236):
- “Remember that in most cases a vision of success is not necessary to improve organizational effectiveness”
- “Wait until the organization goes through one or more cycles of strategic planning before trying to develop a vision”
- “Include in the vision the desired outcomes listed above”
- “Ensure that the vision grows out of past decisions and actions as much as possible”
- “Remember that a vision of success should be inspirational”
- “Remember that an effective vision of success will embody the appropriate degree of tension to prompt effective organizational change”
- “Consider starting the construction of a vision of success by having strategic planning team members draft visions (or at least relatively detailed outlines) individually”
- “Use a normative process to review the vision of success”
- “Be aware that consensus on the vision statement among key decision makers is highly desirable by may not be absolutely necessary”
- “Arrange for the vision of success to be widely disseminated and discussed”
Saturday we analyze step 9 review an effective implementation process for your changes
This article are supper help full if you want to know more about Organizational vision then please click here.